Offshore / Coastal

For seagoing ships, AMW Marine has been providing installations for years and, together with its manufacturers, provides the best, most economical solutions for your ship.

The Renk gearboxes are a concept in this sector. We also supply fixed propellers, deck cranes, davits, plate heat exchangers for central cooling systems, couplings and screw pumps. We also design complete propeller systems and also provide E driven (hybrid) installations.

Fixed Pitch Propeller

Cranes / Davits

Plate Heat Exchangers

Gearboxes / Couplings

Screw Pumps


HamiltonJet Waterjet picto amw marine

Steering System

Ballast Water Management

NOx Reduction Systems


Electrical Drives

E-MS Picto

Bow Thrusters/Rudder Propellers